Hermetic Sealing Process
Looking for information on hermetic sealing process? Are you looking for sealing equipment for your company? If you need help with sealing or packaging equipment or parts, you’ve come to the right place.
We are a reputable manufacturing company that designs and builds various types of sealing equipment for a wide range of applications. We cater to the needs of re-sellers, and we are the most reliable foil technology provider in the industry. We supply equipment for many of today’s well known automation system integrator’s and companies throughout the United States, Asia, Latin America and Canada.
The hermetic sealing process is popular in the food industry. It is an airtight sealing process that prevents the invasion of humidity, moisture, oxygen, and any outside contaminant from entering a sealed environment. Many companies use it in their packaging to keep foods fresh, thus minimizing the amount of preservatives used. An example of hermetic sealing process is the foil packages that are used with salmon and tuna. Until the package is opened, the contents remain fresh for a long period of time, and no additives are required.
Hermetic sealing process is also applicable in the telecommunications industry. Hermetic seals are used in fiber cables to keep out humidity and moisture that could over time weaken and corrode the fibers that transmit and process telephone signals. Also, cable companies often use the same sealing process, ensuring that phone, cable, and Internet service to their customers remains consistent. By having the seals on telecommunication cables, they can safely bury the cable or suspend it from electrical poles, without worrying about corrosion or a malfunction or breakdown due to climate or weather conditions.
We offer innovative solutions, and our highly experienced service technicians are dedicated to providing high quality service to our customers. In addition, we maintain a large inventory of supplies and replacement parts to ensure deliveries in a timely manner. Our business is built upon integrity, honesty and quality workmanship. We strive to provide outstanding support for all of our equipment. We are committed to providing our customers with prompt, professional and effective results.